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WSU combats rise in substance, sex abuse; chancellor heads to new job

Jimmy Emmerson

PULLMAN, Wash. — Washington State University will do more this fall to ensure that incoming freshmen are better prepared to make healthy choices when it comes to drugs, alcohol and sex.

John Fraire, WSU's vice president of student affairs, says the emphasis on student safety results from an increase in substance and sex abuse taking place on the Pullman campus and throughout the country in recent years.

Beginning this fall, every incoming freshman will participate in a mandatory orientation session to discuss topics related to sexual abuse.

Students will learn about WSU's rules regarding sexual misconduct, and about the effect alcohol can have on decision-making abilities.

WSU Tri-Cities chancellor taking job in Indiana

Washington State University-Tri Cities is losing its chancellor in late July.

Vicky Carwein said Tuesday she has accepted the position of chancellor at Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne, starting in September.

KONA reports WSU President Elson Floyd has named Vice Chancellor Dick Pratt as interim chancellor at the Richland campus.

Carwein says she is proud of what has been accomplished at WSU Tri Cities over the past five years, especially the opening of the Bioproducts, Sciences and Engineering lab and the wine science program.

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