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UW football coach Steve Sarkisian top-paid state employee

Elaine Thompson

A new detailed list from the Office of Financial Management names University of Washington football coach Steve Sarkasian the top paid Washington state employee in 2010, with $1.98 million in gross pay.

Sarkasian is followed in pay by UW basketball coach Lorenzo Romar, who earned $1.14 million last year.

Next up are Washington State University basketball coach Ken Bone, UW assistant football coach Nick Holt, WSU President Elson Floyd, and UW athletic director Scott Woodward. Members of the UW Medical School faculty are next on the list.

The Office of Financial Management's report notes that UW and WSU athletic department staff are not paid by taxpayer dollars. And university researchers, who are also at the top of the list, are paid through research grants, not taxes or tuition.

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