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KNKX's School of Jazz is a cornerstone of the station's signature community outreach program, it has directly impacted thousands of jazz students, band directors and professional musicians. School of Jazz is sponsored by BECU.

School Of Jazz: Edmonds Woodway High School Jazz Combo With Randy Halberstadt

Martha Kang
Edmonds Woodway High School Jazz Combo

As part of the KPLU School Of Jazz project, we present regional high school jazz bands in our Studio Sessions.  The bands, under the direction of their faculty band-director perform three songs, as well as getting the chance to talk about what jazz means to them.

The second group to participate in this project comes from the Edmonds Woodway High School, under the direction of Jake Bergevin with special guest pianist Randy Halberstadt. Halberstadt, a seasoned professional musician, tells host Kevin Kniestedt that playing with these talented young players is an honor. Later the band members talk about which pop music artists should try to make a jazz album.

Edmonds Woodway High School Jazz Combo:

  • Joel Steinke  – alto and tenor sax
  • Quinn Walker – trumpet
  • Mason Fagan – guitar
  • Kylee Stone-Clifford  - piano
  • Benson Pennington – bass
  • Hugh Kline – drums

You can find all of our School of Jazz performances as well as our Student DJs at

Song List:

  1. Wabash
  2. Simone
  3. Tomorrow's Destiny

Studio Sessions School of JazzLive Studio Sessions