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Oregon DOJ Prepares To Hike Nonprofit Registration Fee

File photo of the main office of the Oregon Department of Justice in Salem.
M.O. Stevens
Wikimedia Commons
File photo of the main office of the Oregon Department of Justice in Salem.

The end of the year is a time that many charities look to donors for year-end giving. It’s also when the Oregon Department of Justice wants to hike an annual fee that nonprofits pay to the agency.

The proposal could as much as triple the annual registration fee for some charities. But here’s a reality check: small nonprofits would pay $30 a year instead of ten. Most charities would see their registration fees double, topping out at $2,400 a year.

There are currently more than 18,000 nonprofits registered with the state that are subject to the fee. It doesn't apply to religious organizations.

All told the Oregon DOJ expects the increase would bring in nearly $1 million per year to help pay for the agency's oversight of charitable organizations.

The proposal doesn't faze Jim White of the Nonprofit Association of Oregon.

"We don't believe this is going to have that vast a significant effect on nonprofits,” he said.

The Oregon DOJ says if approved, it would be the first such fee increase on nonprofits in nearly three decades. The agency is accepting public comments on the proposal through January 15.

Copyright 2015 Northwest News Network

Chris Lehman graduated from Temple University with a journalism degree in 1997. He landed his first job less than a month later, producing arts stories for Red River Public Radio in Shreveport, Louisiana. Three years later he headed north to DeKalb, Illinois, where he worked as a reporter and announcer for NPR–affiliate WNIJ–FM. In 2006 he headed west to become the Salem Correspondent for the Northwest News Network.
Chris Lehman
Chris Lehman graduated from Temple University with a journalism degree in 1997. He landed his first job less than a month later, producing arts stories for Red River Public Radio in Shreveport, Louisiana. Three years later he headed north to DeKalb, Illinois, where he worked as a reporter and announcer for NPR–affiliate WNIJ–FM. In 2006 he headed west to become the Salem Correspondent for the Northwest News Network.