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More than 2,400 same-sex marriages in Washington since December

The Associated Press

More than 2,400 gay and lesbian couples have gotten married in Washington state since the state's voter-approved same-sex marriage law took effect last December.

The state Department of Health on Thursday released the first statewide numbers since marriage licenses were issued in early December.

Individual counties had released same-sex marriage numbers previously, but the Department of Health's numbers are the first statewide look at how many people took advantage of the new law from December until the end of March.

Spokesman Tim Church said that future reports will be released annually.

Washington state is one of 12 states, plus Washington, D.C., where same-sex marriage is legal. Minnesota is the most recent state to allow same-sex couples to marry after Gov. Mark Dayton signed legislation into law May 14, and couples there started picking up their marriage licenses on Thursday.

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