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Felon with rifle arrested at park with Occupy Seattle protesters

The seized rifle photographed at the Seattle Police Evidence Unit.
Seattle Police Department
The seized rifle photographed at the Seattle Police Evidence Unit.

Police say a man with a rifle and 16 rounds of ammunition was arrested Monday night by officers assigned to the Occupy Seattle demonstration at Westlake Park.

The reported that a "bicycle officers talked to the man just after 6 p.m. Monday and that he was taking part in the protests. The 40-year-old man was carrying a rifle case over his shoulder. And police say officers heard him mention that he was carrying a "Ruger." Ruger is a gun maker."

A check showed the 40-year-old man is a convicted felon. He was jailed for a felony weapons violation.

Later Monday night police arrested a 20-year-old man who refused to leave a tent, and early Tuesday morning they arrested an elderly woman who erected a structure out of signs. Both were released after police collected information for the city attorney's office.

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