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Coast Guard locates sunken vessel off Washington coast

The Coast Guard and a salvage ship have located the fishing vessel that suddenly sank in March off the Washington coast with four lives lost.

The Coast Guard says the Lady Cecilia was discovered Sunday in 460 feet of water about 20 miles off Point Ledbetter near Willapa Bay.

Underwater video of vessel will be studied for clues to what made the 70-foot trawler go down so fast the crew was unable to escape or send a mayday call or distress signal. The investigation findings will be presented at a Coast Guard hearing in Astoria, Ore.

The lost crew was made up of skipper Dave Nichols and deckhand Jason Bjaranson, both of Warrenton. Ore., deckhand Luke Jensen of Ilwaco and Fisheries Service observer Chris Langel of Kaukauna, Wis.

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