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Woman who survived brutal Seattle attack testifies

A woman who survived a horrific rape and stabbing in her Seattle home two years ago is telling jurors about her partner, who died in the attack.

The woman took the stand Wednesday afternoon in the trial of Isaiah Kalebu, who is charged in the case. Kalebu has been barred from the trial due to prior outbursts and was not in the courtroom.

The woman frequently flashed a broad smile as she told the jury of how her relationship with Teresa Butz blossomed. But she broke down when she described how the two planned to have children together.

She described Butz as a fun-loving woman who had a lovely voice but didn't like to sing, and who hated missing church to play on her recreational softball team.

Kalebu is accused of randomly breaking into the women's house and attacking them. He has a history of mental illness.


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