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Update: Bobcat that broke into Washington prison will be OK

Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital
Dr. Roger Hancock treats a bobcat at the Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital in Monroe. The bobcat wandered onto the grounds of Washington state's largest prison and was injured when it climbed through razor wire.

The bobcat that suffered razor-wire cuts breaking into a Washington state prison at Monroe is going to be OK.

A spokeswoman for the Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital in Snohomish says the animal has been stitched up, and the prognosis is excellent.

Spokeswoman Charlotte Graeber Compton says the bobcat has been transferred to the Sarvey Wildlife Center in Arlington. It can recover there before being released back into the wild.

The Department of Corrections says officers noticed the bobcat at about 11:30 p.m. Monday during a perimeter check of the prison, about 30 miles northeast of Seattle. The startled animal ran through the perimeter fence and made its way to the rooftop of the special offenders unit.

A veterinarian from the Pilchuck hospital, Roger Hancock, shot the animals with a tranquilizer gun Tuesday.




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