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Old military bomb found in potato bin in Quincy

Elizabeth Weller
Potatoes seems safe enough ... but you never know, apparently, what you'll dig up.

QUINCY, Wash. — Police say an explosive found in a potato bin at a processing plant in Quincy Wednesday morning was an old military device that was apparently left over from practice bombing runs years ago in Eastern Washington.

Sgt. Paul Snyder told The Wenatchee Worldan employee found the foot-long device at ConAgra Foods.

He says it was a marker bomb, used to mark the location where larger bombs would be dropped. It carried a charge and could have caused serious injury if it had gone off in someone's hand.

It was picked up by a harvesting machine and transferred by truck to the bin in Quincy.

A bomb squad from the Richland Police Department detonated the device nearby. No one was injured.


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