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New team to take over Satus Pass fire near Goldendale

GOLDENDALE, Wash. — Firefighters continued work to control a wildfire that has burned more than 100 structures north of Goldendale.

Fire incident spokesman Chuck Turley says the blaze is 70 percent contained.

About 975 firefighters are assigned to the fire, but some crews are expected to be sent elsewhere in the coming days. A smaller fire management team will take over the fire on Thursday.

Mandatory evacuation orders were lifted Monday for residents who live near the fire. Firefighters were able to save 105 homes, but another 29 homes and 79 outbuildings were destroyed.

Western Pacific Timber Company has donated $25,000 to the Klickitat Valley Fire Victims Fund to help those who lost their homes. They will match additional contributions to the fund given by others up to another $25,000.

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