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Lawmakers: Boeing's Campaign Contributions Came After Incentives Vote

Some lawmakers say they didn't receive campaign contributions from Boeing until after voting on a tax break for the company.

Boeing's political committee had reported in records to the state Public Disclosure Commission that it gave the maximum donation of $900 to seven lawmakers a few days before the Legislature approved tax incentives valued at some $9 billion.

Some of the lawmakers reported that the donations were actually received days later. Republican Sen. John Braun reported receiving it nearly a month after Boeing says it was provided. Others who reported receiving the donations later were Sens. Sharon Brown and John Braun along with Reps. Norm Johnson, Charles Ross, Shelly Short and Dave Upthegrove.

Brent Ludeman with the Senate Republican Campaign Committee says he doesn't think any lawmaker on either side of the aisle was influenced by Boeing's contributions.


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