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Historic destroyer now a Bremerton Halloween ship

The Associated Press

BREMERTON, Wash. — An historic destroyer from the Vietnam War, the USS Turner Joy is now a Halloween ship in Bremerton.

Volunteers have turned the ship into a "haunted asylum" for the rest of the month to give visitors a scare.

Coordinator Amy Bodlorick told the Kitsap Sunvolunteer actors have experienced a resident ghost who doesn't seem to like the disruption.

In a now-disputed incident, the Turner Joy believed it was under attack by torpedo boats in August 1964 off the coast of North Vietnam. That led to retaliation and the Gulf of Tonkin resolution in Congress that authorized combat.

Launched in Seattle in 1958, the 418-foot the Turner Joy bombarded Vietnam during the war. It was decommissioned in 1982 and donated to the Bremerton Historic Ships Association in 1991.

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