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The Greyboy Allstars: A serious party band

Justin Steyer
Mike Andrews performing live with the Greyboy Allstars on May 17, 2013 in the KPLU Seattle studios.

During this performance interview with The Greyboy Allstars, KPLU jazz host, Abe Beeson, called their latest CD (Inland Emperor) ‘the party album of 2013.’

The Greyboy Allstars’ reputation as a party/dance band is well-earned.

They’ve been playing terrific jazz/funk all over the world for almost 20 years, staying so busy they seldom have time to record.

In fact, Inland Emperor is only the 5 in all their years together… so for fans of the band, each Greyboy Allstars release is an event.

During their visit to KPLU, the played 2 songs from the new CD (the title track and Old Crow) and the title track from their 2007 CD, What Happened To TV?

If you think jazz music and dance music are two different things, The Greyboy Allstars are here to change your mind.

The Greyboy Allstars are:

  • Robert Walter—Keyboards
  • Karl Denson—Saxophone, Flute, Vocals
  • Mike Andrews—Guitar
  • Chris Stillwell—Bass
  • Aaron Redfield—Drums


  1. Inland Emperor
  2. Old Crow
  3. What Happened To TV?

You can also find our Studio Sessions available as a video podcast in iTunes.  The link can be found here:

Justin joined KNKX in 2009 as the station's first Multimedia Manager. In this role, Justin helped to produce multimedia content, and implement systems and procedures in efforts to transform KNKX from a traditional broadcast station into a multi-platform media organization.
Abe grew up in Western Washington, a third generation Seattle/Tacoma kid. It was as a student at Pacific Lutheran University that Abe landed his first job at KNKX, editing and producing audio for news stories. It was a Christmas Day shift no one else wanted that gave Abe his first on-air experience which led to overnights, then Saturday afternoons, and started hosting Evening Jazz in 1998.