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Fairchild AFB airmen killed in Kyrgyzstan crash

Vladimir Voroni
Associated Press

The Department of Defense says the three airman killed in the crash of a military tanker refueling plane in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan were from Fairchild Air Force Base.

The airmen were assigned to the 93rd Air Refueling Squadron at the Washington Air Force base.

They died May 3, near Chon-Aryk, Kyrgyzstan, in the crash of a KC-135 aircraft.

Killed were: 27-year-old Capt. Mark T. Voss of Colorado Springs, Colo., 27-year-old Capt. Victoria A. Pinckney of Palmdale, Calif., and 30-year-old Tech Sgt. Herman Mackey III of Bakersfield, Calif.

The military says the cause of the crash is still under investigation.

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