Seattle City Light is apologizing to a Queen Anne neighborhood family whose dog was electrocuted Thanksgiving Day while on a walk along a city sidewalk. Lisa McKibben tells KCPQ-TV she wasn't sure what had happened at first:
“I couldn't tell because he was just convulsing so much and just screeching I didn't know what was happening and I was screaming for someone to help me,” said McKibbin.
Her dog Sammy had stepped on a metal plate at the base of a street light.
City Light is investigating and has disconnected power to the light. McKibben thinks stray voltage is to blame. A utility spokeswoman tells KOMO:
"What we have determined is that it is a circuitry issue at the location and it could be a matter of a grounding wire," the City Light spokewoman said.
McKibben has created a blog about the incident, saying she's filed a claim and a police report.
Check out Q13's report: