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Darcy Burner running for Congress again, wants to replace Inslee

Darcy Burner photographed in November 2008 in Bellevue, Wash.
Associated Press
Darcy Burner photographed in November 2008 in Bellevue, Wash.

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) — Democratic activist Darcy Burner is making another run for Congress.

Burner said Wednesday that she wants to stand up for working people. She took a line from the Occupy Wall Street protests to say that the Congress needs people who will fight for "the 99 percent."

Burner previously lost races in 2006 and 2008 for the state's 8th Congressional District. This time she wants to run in 1st District, which is being vacated by gubernatorial candidate Jay Inslee.

Several other Democrats have announced their candidacy for the seat: State Reps. Roger Goodman and Marko Liias, state Sen. Steve Hobbs, former state Rep. Laura Ruderman, tax attorney Andrew Hughes and businessman Darshan Rauniyar.

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