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Boy, 9, sentenced in Washington school shooting

A 9-year-old Washington boy who brought a gun that discharged and critically wounded a fellow third-grader at school has been sentenced to 12 months of probation and ordered to write a letter of apology to his victim.

The boy's classmate, 8-year-old Amina Kocer-Bowman, remains in serious condition at a Seattle hospital after she was struck Feb. 22 in her midsection and arm.

At a court hearing Tuesday, the boy was also told to undergo 48 hours of counseling.

Prosecutors dropped third-degree assault charges, but the boy pleaded guilty to and was sentenced on misdemeanor charges that included unlawful possession of a gun and bringing a dangerous weapon to school.

The .45 caliber handgun fired in a classroom at a Bremerton school after the boy slammed his backpack on a desk.

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