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Bald eagle, popular with commuters, killed on 520 bridge

This eagle was photographed in 2004 near downtown Seattle. An male eagle frequently seen at the Broadmoor Golf Course in Seattle was killed on the 520 floating bridge.
Associated Press
This eagle was photographed in 2004 near downtown Seattle. An male eagle frequently seen at the Broadmoor Golf Course in Seattle was killed on the 520 floating bridge.

A bald eagle was struck and killed Tuesday on the Highway 520 floating bridge in Seattle. The eagle is believed to be the male of a pair that nests at the nearby Broadmoor Golf Course in Seattle.

Frequently seen perching on bridge light poles, it was popular with commuters.

Washington Fish and Wildlife Department Capt. Bill Hebner says the carcass was picked up by the Transportation Department and turned over to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to preserve its feathers for Indian religious and tribal ceremonies.

Hebner says the eagle may have been scavenging a duck or other dead animal when it was hit.

The Broadmoor nest has been productive, and Hebner says any eagles born there this year have likely already fledged and become independent.

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