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Autopsy confirms suicide of Seattle shootings suspect

The Associated Press

The King County medical examiner's office has confirmed that a man blamed for a massacre at a Seattle arts cafe and a fatal carjacking killed himself as police closed in.

The medical examiner said Friday that 40-year-old Ian Stawicki died of a contact handgun wound to the head.

Four people were fatally shot Wednesday at Cafe Racer and 52-year-old Gloria Leonidas of Bellevue was shot and killed a short time later when her SUV was carjacked. A cafe employee is recovering from gunshot wounds.

Cafe victims formally identified so far include: 36-year-old Kimberly Layfield, 49-year-old Drew Keriakedes and 52-year-old Joseph Albanese.

A medical examiner's spokeswoman said details on a fourth person killed at the cafe, a man, are expected Monday.

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