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Amazon to Hire 70,000 Seasonal Workers says it is hiring 70,000 full-time seasonal workers around the U.S. to fill orders during the holiday season.

The world's largest online retailer says the hires are an increase of 40 percent over last year's 50,000 workers. Seasonal employees at Inc. order fulfillment centers are eligible for health care benefits and, on average, earn 94 percent of the wages of regular employees.

Amazon says it plans to convert "thousands" of the temporary jobs into full-time roles after the holiday season.

Tuesday's announcement from the Seattle-based company follows seasonal hiring announcements from other large retailers. Wal-Mart Stores said last week that it is hiring 55,000 seasonal workers. It is also elevating 35,000 temporary workers to part-time positions and 35,000 part-time workers to full-time jobs.


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