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100 homes evacuated near Satus Pass wildfire

GOLDENDALE, Wash. — Firefighters say one unoccupied structure has burned and at least 100 homes have been evacuated because of a wildfire burning near Satus Pass in south central Washington.

Dawn Weaver with Klickitat County Fire District 7 said Thursday that more and more homes were evacuated overnight. The sheriff's office said 38 homes were evacuated Wednesday.

The state Department of Natural Resources says the fire started about noon Wednesday in timber and brush about three miles west of Satus Pass. It has burned 2,000 acres. Brooks Memorial State Park is closed. Traffic is disrupted on Highway 97 between Toppenish and Goldendale.

The state took over management of the fire Thursday and ordered 65 engines and water tenders to the scene. Fire managers are operating from the county fairgrounds in Goldendale.

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